Monday, July 27, 2009

Instructional Strategies

Our topic and readings this week have to do with instructional strategies and collaboration. The overall idea is that we need to make the connections with teachers in any way we can and we need to be willing to try various methods to reach our peers. What will work with some will not work with others. Having multiple tools to present to teachers and more importantly the ability to show how the tools will work for them is key to making the connections work. As I read chapter 9 on technology and chapter 11 on leadership I was so glad I went to the ISLMA workshop last week on web 2.0 and I-SAIL. both of those were direct ties to this topic.

As we all know, the I-SAIL document is all about collaboration and showing how library and classroom standards can be met in unison by the librarian and the classroom teacher. The second half of the day was a presentation by Erin and Katie Kirsch about their top 20 web 2.0 tools. Some of these we are already familiar with from Dominican but many were new to me or the way they were used or shown had new possibilities for me or my staff. I could see how these could be the in I needed to work on collaboration with some holdouts. Katie has this great blog she is starting for her staff based on the 23 things 2.0 model. It is a great idea I plan to start with my staff this year too.

Here is the link to the conference notes from last week.

Then click on the Summer 2009 Workshop tab on the left side toolbar.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, Mrs. Ryan! I learned a lot at that workshop, even though I feel very current. As soon as I graduate though, I'm afraid I'll start falling behind. I'm so glad you told me about the workshop and also DueNorth. I think that continuing my professional development and getting together with fellow school librarians will help me to stay on the cutting edge!
